Deen-Gross Eye Centers

LASIK vs. Contact Lenses: Which Vision Correction Option Is Best?

Oct 30, 2015 @ 09:09 AM — by David Gross
Tagged with: Lasik Contact Lenses

The team at Deen-Gross Eye Centers has helped countless patients in the Hobart and Merrillville region achieve excellent vision thanks to LASIK surgery, a popular and effective laser vision correction option. Many people interested in LASIK wonder who the surgery compares to prescription glasses and contact lenses.

Let's look at LASIK and contact lenses right now to see how they results of each compare to one another.

About LASIK Surgery

LASIK surgery is a procedure in which a laser is used to reshape the cornea. This improves the passage of light through the eyes, helping the light focus properly on a single point of the retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue that's essential for clear vision

Good Candidates for LASIK

Good candidates for LASIK are people who suffer from refractive errors, which you probably know better by the following names:

They should be at least 18 years old, have a stable prescription for at least a year, and not suffer from dry eye syndrome. It's important that patients not be pregnant or nursing at the time of surgery and that they have healthy corneas of regular thickness and shape.

How effective is LASIK?

LASIK is an extremely effective option for vision correction and treating refractive errors. Roughly 95 percent of patients who undergo LASIK achieve 20/40 vision or better. This means the ability to see clearly without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

About Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a go-to option for vision correction. They come in many different forms and are made for the patient's prescription. With contact lenses in place, a patient can see clearly without hassle or worry.

Good Candidates for Contact Lenses

Contact lenses require no surgery and since there are different kinds of contacts, they are quite versatile. As a result, the vast majority of people are already good candidates for contact lenses.

How effective are contact lenses?

Contact lenses are highly effective at improving vision, allowing patients to see clearly again, with comparable results to prescription glasses. Many people who wear contact lenses will simply have their prescription updated so they can continue to wear contacts for the rest of their life.

Advantages of LASIK Surgery Over Contact Lenses

LASIK allows patients to see clearly without the use of corrective lenses whatsoever. This affords people a great deal of freedom, particularly if they lead active lifestyles or simply feel encumbered by wearing glasses or contact lenses.

If a person suffers from eye allergies, LASIK is typically better than contacts for this issue. Pollen or other particulate matter may get stuck to the contact lens, resulting in increased itchiness and irritation of the eyes. This is not an issue with LASIK surgery.

Advantages of Contact Lenses Over LASIK Surgery

Contact lenses are a non-surgical treatment option, which means there's no downtime off work when you get them. There is no chance of complications developing from contact lens use either, such as severe dry eye or a complication from the creation of the LASIK flap.

For some patients, getting contacts throughout their lives may actually cost less than undergoing LASIK surgery. While the convenience of LASIK is ideal, this factor is important for patients to consider as well.

Weigh Your Options Carefully

When it comes to vision correction options, be sure to weight the pros and cons of every decision carefully. We'll be more than happy to help you make the best choices about your vision during a consultation.

Learn More About LASIK Surgery

To learn more about LASIK and how it can help you have the best vision possible, be sure to contact our team of eye care and vision correction specialists today. The team at Deen-Gross Eye Centers looks forward to your visit and helping you see clearly again.